  • Concept
  • Creative Direction
  • Art Direction
  • Design
  • Photo Composition/Manipulation

A personal project to hone my photo compositing skills and explore a multi-channel strategy to connect athletes and athletes at heart.

This series is based on a split-second action that makes all the difference. One action, or hesitation can mean victory or defeat. These can be viewed from two angles; depending on the point of view of the action. This point of view is what tells the story and sets the stage for drama.

Deliverables would include print, display, environmental, mobile advertising, and motion pieces.

This series of photo composits can pit legendary athletes from all over sports history that never faced one another and create the “ultimate dramatic moment in sports.” Subjects of these compositions can be voted on via social media channels.

Additionally, we can leverage YouTube and link multiple videos together as a choose your own adventure story.